Vogtle Electric Generating Plant

Plant Vogtle

Vogtle 1 & 2
containment buildings and cooling towers
Location of Plant Vogtle
Official name Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant
Country United States
Location Burke County, Georgia,
Status Operational
Commission date Unit 1: June 1, 1987
Unit 2: May 20, 1989
Licence expiration Unit 1: January 16, 2047
Unit 2: February 9, 2049
Construction cost $8.87 billion (Units 1 & 2)
Owner(s) Georgia Power (45.7%)
OPC (30%)
MEAG (22.7%)
City of Dalton (1.6%)
Operator(s) Southern Nuclear
Architect(s) Southern Services and Bechtel
Reactor information
Reactors operational 2 x 1215 MW
Reactors planned 2 x 1117 MW
Reactor type(s) 4-loop PWR (active), AP1000 (planned)
Reactor supplier(s) Westinghouse
Power station information
Generation units General Electric
(Units 1 & 2)
Power generation information
Annual generation 18,297 GW·h
Plant Vogtle — Southern Nuclear

The Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, also known as Plant Vogtle, is a 2-unit nuclear power plant located in Burke County, near Waynesboro, Georgia. It is named after the Alabama-born war hero and Alabama Power and Southern Company board chairman, Alvin Vogtle.

Each unit has a Westinghouse pressurized water reactor (PWR), with a General Electric turbine and electric generator. Units 1 and 2 were completed in 1987 and 1989, respectively. Each unit is capable of producing approximately 1,200 MW of electricity when online, for a combined capacity of 2,400 MW. Southern Nuclear lists the capacity as 1,215 MW each, for a combined output of 2,430 MW.[1] The twin cooling towers are 548 ft (167 m) tall.

During Vogtle's construction, costs skyrocketed from an estimated $660 million to $8.87 billion.[2][3] This was typical of the time due to increased regulations after the Three Mile Island accident.

In 2009, the NRC renewed the licenses for both units for an additional 20 years, to the 2040s.[4] Groundwork for two additional AP1000 reactors is underway.[5]


Surrounding population

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission defines two emergency planning zones around nuclear power plants: a plume exposure pathway zone with a radius of 10 miles (16 km), concerned primarily with exposure to, and inhalation of, airborne radioactive contamination, and an ingestion pathway zone of about 50 miles (80 km), concerned primarily with ingestion of food and liquid contaminated by radioactivity.[6]

The 2010 U.S. population within 10 miles (16 km) of Vogtle was 5,845, a decrease of 16.3 percent in a decade, according to an analysis of U.S. Census data for msnbc.com. The 2010 U.S. population within 50 miles (80 km) was 726,640, an increase of 8.8 percent since 2000. Cities within 50 miles include Augusta (26 miles to city center).[7]

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's estimate of the risk each year of an earthquake intense enough to cause core damage to the reactor at Vogtle was 1 in 140,845, according to an NRC study published in August 2010.[8][9]

Power uprate

In 2008, both reactors were increased in power by 1.7% by an "Appendix K" uprate,[10] also called a Measurement Uncertainty Recapture uprate. "Measurement uncertainty recapture power uprates are less than 2 percent and are achieved by implementing enhanced techniques for calculating reactor power. This involves the use of state-of-the-art feedwater flow measurement devices to more precisely measure feedwater flow, which is used to calculate reactor power. More precise measurements reduce the degree of uncertainty in the power level, which is used by analysts to predict the ability of the reactor to be safely shutdown under postulated accident conditions."[11] Because the reactor power can be calculated with much greater accuracy now than with the old venturi type measurement, the plant can safely run within a tighter margin of error to their limit. The new flow meter works by comparing the time it takes ultrasonic sound pulses to travel upstream versus downstream inside the pipe, and uses that time difference to figure the flow rate of the water in the pipe.

The NRC approved Vogtle's License Amendment Request (LAR) in March 2008. "The NRC staff determined that Southern Nuclear could safely increase the reactor’s output primarily through more accurate means of measuring feedwater flow. NRC staff also reviewed Southern Nuclear’s evaluations showing the plant’s design can handle the increased power level."[12] Unit 1 was uprated during its spring 2008 defueling outage, and Unit 2 was uprated in the fall outage of the same year.

Site area emergency

On March 20, 1990 at 9:20 a.m., a truck carrying fuel and lubricants in the plant's low voltage switchyard backed into a support column for the feeder line supplying power to the Unit 1-A reserve auxiliary transformer (RAT). This set off a complicated chain of events that was exacerbated both by planned maintenance, in which some back-up systems were off-line, and by equipment failures in some back-up systems. The resulting loss of electrical power in the plant's "vital circuits" shut down the residual heat removal (RHR) pump that was cooling Unit 1 (which was nearing the end of a refueling outage) and prevented the back-up RHR from activating. Even though Unit 1 was not operating at full-power, residual heat from the natural decay of the radioactive fuel needed to be removed to prevent a dangerous rise in core temperature.

At 9:40 a.m., the plant operators declared a site area emergency (SAE) per existing procedures which called for an SAE whenever "vital" power is lost for more than 15 minutes. At 9:56 a.m., plant operators performed a manual start of the A-train emergency diesel generator (EDG), which bypassed most of the EDG's protective trips which had prevented it from coming on-line. RHR-A was then started using power from EDG-A. With core cooling restored, the SAE was downgraded to an alert at 10:15 a.m.

The temperature of the Unit 1 core coolant increased from 90 °F to 136 °F during the 36 minutes required to re-energize the A-side bus. Ironically, throughout the event, non-vital power was continuously available to Unit 1 from off-site sources. However, the Vogtle electrical system was not designed to permit easy interconnection of the Unit 1 vital busses to non-vital power or to the Unit 2 electrical busses.[13] Since this incident, Plant Vogtle has implemented changes to the plant that allow power to be transferred from one side to the other from an off-site source.

Units 3 and 4

On August 15, 2006, Southern Nuclear formally applied for an Early Site Permit (ESP) for two additional units. The ESP will determine whether the site is appropriate for additional reactors, and this process is separate from the Combined Construction and Operating License (COL) application process.[14] On March 31, 2008, Southern Nuclear announced that it had submitted an application for a COL, a process which will take at least 3 to 4 years.[15] On April 9, 2008, Georgia Power Company reached a contract agreement for two AP1000 reactors designed by Westinghouse (owned by Toshiba) and the Shaw Group (Baton Rouge, LA).[16] The contract represents the first agreement for new nuclear development in the United States since the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, and received approval from the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) on March 17, 2009.[17] As stated by a Georgia Power spokesperson Carol Boatright: "If the PSC approves, we are going forward with the new units."[16]

On August 26, 2009, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued an Early Site Permit and a Limited Work Authorization. Limited construction at the new reactor sites has begun, with Unit 3 expected to be operational in 2016, followed by Unit 4 in 2017, pending final issuance of the Combined Construction and Operating License by the NRC.[18][19]

Reactor data

The Vogtle Electric Generating Plant consists of two operational reactors; two additional units are planned.

Reactor unit[20] Reactor type Capacity Construction started Electricity grid connection Commercial operation Shutdown
Net Gross
Vogtle-1 Westinghouse 4-loop 1150 MW 1203 MW 01.08.1976 27.03.1987 01.06.1987
Vogtle-2 Westinghouse 4-loop 1152 MW 1202 MW 01.08.1976 10.04.1989 20.05.1989
Vogtle-3 (planned)[21] AP1000 1117 MW MW
Vogtle-4 (planned)[22] AP1000 1117 MW MW


  1. ^ "Plant Vogtle - Southern Company". Southern Company. Archived from the original on 2007-02-05. http://web.archive.org/web/20070205113659/http://www.southernco.com/southernnuclear/vogtle.asp. Retrieved 2007-03-02. 
  2. ^ Gertner, Jon (July 16, 2006). "Atomic Balm?". The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/16/magazine/16nuclear.html. 
  3. ^ Moens, John (March 18 09:15:09 EDT 2005). "U.S. Nuclear Plants - Vogtle". Energy Information Administration, U.S. Department of Energy. http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/nuclear/page/at_a_glance/reactors/vogtle.html. Retrieved 2007-03-02. 
  4. ^ Pavey, Rob (Thursday, June 04, 2009). "Licenses for Vogtle current reactors renewed". Augusta Chronicle. http://chronicle.augusta.com/stories/2009/06/04/met_526417.shtml. Retrieved 2009-06-05. 
  5. ^ Pavey, Rob (Sunday, November 22, 2009). "Vogtle lays groundwork for first U.S. reactors in decades". Augusta Chronicle. http://chronicle.augusta.com/stories/2009/11/22/bus_556611.shtml. Retrieved 2009-10-22. 
  6. ^ http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/fact-sheets/emerg-plan-prep-nuc-power-bg.html
  7. ^ Bill Dedman, Nuclear neighbors: Population rises near US reactors, msnbc.com, April 14, 2011 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42555888/ns/us_news-life/ Accessed May 1, 2011.
  8. ^ Bill Dedman, What are the odds? US nuke plants ranked by quake risk, msnbc.com, March 17, 2011 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42103936/ Accessed April 19, 2011.
  9. ^ http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/msnbc/Sections/NEWS/quake%20nrc%20risk%20estimates.pdf
  10. ^ NRC Regulations (10CFR) Appendix K to Part 50
  11. ^ NRC Power Uprates
  12. ^ NRC News Release 08-043
  13. ^ NRC Information Notice No. 90-25
  14. ^ "NRC: Early Site Permits - Licensing Reviews". United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. http://www.nrc.gov/reactors/new-licensing/esp.html. Retrieved 2007-05-31. 
  15. ^ O'Grady, Eileen (March 31, 2008). ""Southern utilities apply for new nuclear licenses"". Reuters. http://www.reuters.com/article/environmentNews/idUSN3143208820080331. Retrieved 2008-04-02. 
  16. ^ a b MacAlister, Terry (April 9, 2008). ""Westinghouse wins first US nuclear deal in 30 years"". London: Guardian News and Media Limited. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/apr/10/nuclear.nuclearpower. Retrieved 2008-04-09. 
  17. ^ ""Two Nuclear Reactors Get Green Light"". Atlanta Journal Constitution. http://www.ajc.com/services/content/printedition/2009/03/18/nukepsc0318.html. Retrieved 2009-04-18. 
  18. ^ "Southern Company Plant Vogtle Media Guide" (Press release). Southern Company. June 2011. http://www.southerncompany.com/nuclearenergy/SNCmedia/Vogtle_Media_Guide.pdf. Retrieved November 1, 2011. 
  19. ^ "Vogtle Units Receive NRC Staff Approval for Final Safety Report" (Press release). Southern Company. August 9, 2011. http://southerncompany.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=43&item=2373. Retrieved November 20, 2011. 
  20. ^ Power Reactor Information System of the IAEA: „United States of America: Nuclear Power Reactors- Alphabetic“
  21. ^ Power Reactor Information System of the IAEA: „Nuclear Power Reactor Details - VOGTLE-3“
  22. ^ Power Reactor Information System of the IAEA: „Nuclear Power Reactor Details - VOGTLE-4“

External links